Monday 13 April 2009

Reason No.9 - Dating

The English are known for having manners and stuff, however this is so not reflected in the dating English. All couples ever think about is themselves and their relationship. It gets boring so fast. All they do is cry and cry about how they're not happy or when they're not crying they're having "alone time" where all the single folk have to sit around and get bored. I hate dating.

Monday 23 March 2009

Reason No. 8. - Theft

So far, I've had my bike and two phones stolen. Most recently, my phone. Yesterday I was walking to the car and obviously dropped my phone on the way there, I tried calling it but there was no answer, I txted a message offering a reward for it's return. No luck. Some asshole has taken it and I'll never see it again. I have no money for a new one. I hate this country.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Reason No. 7. - This time period

Every decade up to now has had something cool going on, 60's had the whole hippy thing, 70's had funk and punk, 80's had new romantics and such, 90's had grunge, so far the 00's have had chavs, ridiculous Government (Bush, Gordon Brown) and people getting fatter, killing each other more and starting more wars. How come we have to grow up not being impressed by anything because we already expect everything? Not to mention our lack of things to rebel against, most parents are now used to the fact their kids will be drinking, taking drugs and having sex. Our generation sucks.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Reason No. 6 - Food process

Why are we not allowed additives in this country? Lets face it, they make the food taste better. And so what if they're chemically engineered? Chemicals occur naturally! Let us eat GM cake!!! GM is good! Selective breeding can make new improved superhero crops!

Monday 12 January 2009

Reason No. 5. - The cinema

Okay, so we have a few rare screen gems, however these are usually about gangstas and living in the city. But the cinema I'm referring to here is the recent release of "Angus thongs and perfect snogging". Do we honestly need another movie where some girl falls in love with a guy who plays guitar? The simple answer is no. The books were badly written, the movie is worse. Somehow I think there may be a movie coming out of this reason.

Sunday 11 January 2009

Reason No. 4 - The service industry

I don't hate everyone who works in the service industry, mainly cause I'm one of them. However, the people who use the service need a serious slice of humble pie. I bet when they were young they all had weekend jobs, and I bet they were all crap. Honestly, some of the customers you get are just awful, they don't seem to realise that you haven't been wondering around after them tracking their order since they got in the store. They also don't seem to realise that you don't control everyone you work with. Some people make mistakes! That doesn't mean I did! Of course, naturally, everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay, but we should all accept that, not be jerks cause of it. Heres a tip, before you get pissed at whoever is serving you, try working a day in their job.
I'm outtie

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Reason No. 3.- The Distance

Nowhere in england is "Just up the street", and seeing as cool people are hard to find, it makes it impossible to actually hang out with people. And even when cool people live near you, you've gotta go out in the freezing cold and walk for half an hour to get to theirs. You can't drive till you're 18, and the cars are so hard to drive that it takes forever to learn.

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Reason No. 2 - The weather

It's always raining. The winter is the MOST depressing time cause it's 7 months of rain, snow, sleet, wind and cold. We get one week of heat and sunshine a year.

Reason No. 1- School marking

Schools mark unfairly. Last year most students in my year got a good mark for their coursework. So instead of condoning us for doing well and achieving, they mark us down this year even though we worked as hard as last year. This isn't even the only example, the government has been changing tests every year to make them harder because students pass. Is that not the point of school? To learn and be able to get good grades? Why are teachers surprised when students pass? Maybe they should be making it harder to be a teacher instead of making it harder to be a student, I know I've had some awful teachers.